Before she left we prayed.
She called me later in the morning to say that the matter was completely resolved in her favor without any need for her careful documentation.
Now, skeptics would say that it was all a clerical error in the first place that was resolved simply by her showing up to question the matter.
We think it was simply prayer answered.
I understand those who smile indulgently at we folks who go around praying about every little thing. I understand the folks who say that, if there were a God, He certainly wouldn’t have time to be concerned with all of the little petty concerns of every person on earth.
I understand because I was once one of them. I couldn’t believe that any God worth His salt had time for the petty, everyday concerns of man.
Then, I found the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:27 (New International Version)
27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.
I understand now that it was my struggle to put God in a box within my ability to understand that was limiting me in my ability to receive gifts, grace and mercy and that my narrow view in no way limited God.
Elisabeth Elliot: "Said the robin to the sparrow, 'I should really like to know why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so.? Said the sparrow to the robin, 'Friend, I think that it must be that they have no Heavenly Father such as cares for you and me.'"
Within the warm and gentle comfort of the Holy Spirit I serve a God who is omniscient, all knowing, omnipotent, with unlimited power. Omnipresent. present in all places at all times.
I serve a God who does have time for my “petty” concerns because He is not limited by OUR very limited concept of time.
I serve a God who knows my needs. I serve a God who is truly worthy to be praised.
(John 14:15-17)
15"If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth.
It is my prayer that you have the blessing of the Holy Spirit. It is my prayer that you have the comfort of KNOWING that it is perfectly O.K. to go to Our God in prayer for all of your needs.
It is my prayer that God will truly be a blessing in your life
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