Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tears of Joy

What’s with these tears!?.
When I first came to the Lord I noticed that sometimes in praise and prayer tears would just begin to flow. I didn’t feel sad and certainly was not in pain, but there were these unbidden tears! I asked my spiritual mentor about this and I remember she gave me no answer at all. It was as if I hadn’t spoken.
I felt so intimidated by her lack of response, which was so out of character, that I never raised the subject again.
Today in prayer I found the tears flowing. I am not sad and I am certainly not in pain. But here are these tears.
I decided this time to just ask the Holy Spirit to help me to understand.
Tears of Joy
When I behold Thy peerless face.
Beaming with love, O Lord.
What fear have I of earthly woe
Or of the frown of sorrow?

As the first ray of the dawning sun dispels the dark.
So too, Lord, when Thy blessed light
Bursts forth within the heart.
It scatters all our grief and pain with sweetest balm.

When on Thy love and grace I ponder,
In my heart’s deepest depths.
Tears of joy stream down my cheeks
beyond restraining.

Hail, Gracious Lord! Hail.
Gracious One! I shall proclaim Thy love.
May my life-breath depart from me as
I perform Thy works.

I thank God for leading me to a sermon by
James Drake which he delivered in August 2006
“The dictionary defines joy as delight, gaiety, or happiness. The Bible kind of JOY, however, is quite different than happiness. Happiness is an emotion and is based on circumstances in one’s life. The JOY that God gives to the Believer in Jesus is a supernatural quality that does not depend on circumstances or emotions, and can even be experienced in the WORST of outward circumstances. This kind of JOY comes directly from God Himself.”

Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version, ©2010)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Pastor Drake stated:
“To sum it all up, the JOY that the Spirit of the Lord gives is a gladness and peace welling up from within, but not from our own SELVES, but from His Spirit who has come to dwell in us.”

Nehemiah 8:10 ".....for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the JOY of the LORD is your STRENGTH."
He also stated:
“Everyone needs the joy that can provoke tears of joy...and that joy will forever be the joy of Christ that has come to abide within those who believe.”

I thank you, Lord for revealing this to me. I know that more will be revealed when You know that I am ready to receive it.

At the very end of Pastor Drake’s sermon I discovered that it had been delivered to prisoners! I don’t believe I would have read this wonderful work if this had been noted in the introduction.

I thank God for this revelation. I thank God for answering my request and leading me to not one, but many scriptures which speak of the JOY that I experienced, JOY that brought tears to my eyes.
•John 15:4-5 & 11
Ephesians 3:17-19
I John 3:24
John 14:16-17
Romans 8:9, and many more!!!!!

May God Forever Be a Blessing in Your Life!!!

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