Friday, February 3, 2012

Joy in Sharing God's Blessings

I was once coming home from an out of town conference and stopped for gas, grateful that I made it to the pump with a tank that read past empty. I filled up and grabbed my purse and found no wallet!!!
I envisioned being taken for a deadbeat and being embarrassed beyond belief. I envisioned having to explain this to the police. I started scrambling in my mind to guess who was home that I could call who would be able to come to another town to rescue me.

I imagine that the look on my face must have been stricken because the woman at the next pump walked over and asked if I was O.K.

I simply said “I can't find my wallet” and she walked away.

I went inside trying to figure out what to say to the cashier and was told that my gas was paid for. Disbelief was all I felt as I continued to try and explain how I was going to get money to the station. The attendant smiled and said “ma'am your gas is paid”.

Then I knew and I ran outside to try and thank that woman and she was gone.

Yesterday I was so excited!!! I prayed and my prayer was answered within hours!!! I was so happy to call a friend and share my blessing.

I had prayed that I be given some small opportunity to minister for Christ and received not one opportunity but two.

Anyone who has experienced the joy of seeing someone make a commitment to Christ understands that the reward of service is in the service itself. Anyone who has seen the relief on the face of someone who was in a desperate spot and had the means and the heart to help and did so understands that the joy is in knowing that you had a chance to serve.

Yesterday I fully understood that the woman at the gas station didn't need my thank-you. Yesterday I understood the warm hug from Christ Himself when I have done just what He asks.

This may be hard to hold onto for a while but just try it. Just go out and do some service for someone who has no way to pay you back. Try not to hang around too long accepting thank-you's. Just do whatever God puts on your heart and walk away!
Matthew 25:35 New King James Version (NKJV)
35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;

May God Forever Be a Blessing in Your Life!!!

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