Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Welcome to our new site for Christian education and dialogue. The Tabernacle of Higher Learning Christian Center, Inc., is a church wholly dedicated to the Great Commission:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28:19-20.

Who We Are:

History of Tabernacle of Higher Learning Christian Center, Inc.

January 1998, Sister Samida Johnson approached Minister Roosevelt Johnson, the former pastor of New Life General Baptist Church about starting a Bible study group at the church. . Sister Johnson wanted the learning process to be a dialogue not just a monologue. Her focus was the application of spiritual principles of the Bible to their everyday lives.

June 8, 1998, the women at New Life General Baptist Church in Palmetto, Florida, under the leadership of Sister Johnson, came together to form the Women*s Bible study group. The core group was made up of members from the Women*s Missionary Society. The women had a burning desire *to have a closer walk with God*. They took to heart the concerns of the community.

In 2000, the program added another component, the Sunday School Teachers class. Participants included Sunday school teachers and members from New Life and other churches in the community.

In 2002, the Bible study schedule expanded to include hours on Saturdays at the Anna-Gayle Center in Palmetto, Florida.
May, 2002, Sister Johnson felt the call to start a Christian Learning Center. The center is a place where people can come to expand their knowledge of the word in a group setting or on an individual basis.

January 14, 2005, the Tabernacle of Higher Learning Christian Center, Inc. was incorporated as a Christian non-profit Corporation pursuant to Florida Chapter 617 Articles of Incorporation. The vision has become a reality.

February 6, 2005, The Tabernacle of Higher Learning Christian Center, Inc., (Tabernacle) opened its doors at 1815 Second Ave East, Bradenton, Florida. Matthew 28: 19-20, became the marching orders of the ministry: *Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the ends of the world, Amen.*

Mission Statement of The Tabernacle of Higher Learning Christian Center, Inc.

Our mission is: To glorify God, serve others, bring people to Jesus by sharing his love through word and deed, build them in the Word of Christ and equip them to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.

Our Vision is:

First, to make individual disciples;
Second, to build up the church;
Third, to teach and instuct as He has commanded.

The Tabenacle of Higher Learning Chritian Center is located at
5533 33rd Street East
Bradenton, Florida 34203


On-going Ministries

Community Prayer............................................... Monday 6 pm
Bible Study................................................................Monday 6:30 pm
Sunday School Preparatory...............................Monday 7:30 pm
Anchor House (Marine Ministry).....................Tuesday 6 pm
N/A Meeting...............................................................Tuesday 7 pm
Sisterhood..................................................................Second Thursday 6:30 pm
Two By Two (Men's Ministry).............................First Wednesday 6:30 pm
Food Bank Distribution........................................Friday 4-5:30 pm
Bible Explosion for Youth....................................Friday 6:30 pm
Prison Ministry.........................................................Spring through Fall per prison regulations
Commodity Distribution......................................Monthly (941.799.0445 for dates and time)


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